20% Off Shipping to Indonesia

Celebrate the launch of our new Indonesian version. Enter code ID2021 at checkout for 20% off shipping!
News | 25/06/2021 |

Japanese Decora Fashion Alive or Dead: Helpful Guide

Interested in Decora Fashion from Japan? Want to know if the fashion trend is still alive and kicking? Check out our blog where we dive into everything you need to know.
Article | 14/06/2021 | Fashion

What is Babymetal: [Genre, Age, Idols, Popularity, Fans]

Interested in the world phenomenon BabyMetal? Learn everything you need to know to get started with the musical powerhouse that is Babymetal!
Article | 14/06/2021 | Music

What is Mochi: A Complete Guide to Mochi

Interested in Japanese Mochi? Finding out everything you need to know about this delicious Japanese treat

19 Must-Buy Makeup in Japan [Shopping Guide]

Interested in Japanese makeup? Check some of our recommendations for a few of the best recommendations for makeup to buy from Japan.

Japanese Green Tea Kit Kat: Best 10 Matcha Kit Kat Flavors

A fan of Green Tea and Matcha flavor treats? Check out all of the different Kit Kat flavors on offer from Japan and decide which is your favorite.

How To Buy Pokemon Cards From Japan

Want to know how to buy Japanese Pokemon cards from Japan? Check out our simple step-by-step guide on how to order any Pokemon cards from Japan straight to your doorstep!

Where to Buy Japanese Fashion Online: [Recommended Stores]

Want to know where to get the best Japanese fashion online? Check out our blog that goes through some of our top picks for those of you who want to buy fashion from Japan.
Article | 04/06/2021 | Fashion

Guide to Japanese Monsters: Japanese Mythical Creatures (Spirits, Demons, Folklore)

From Novels to Anime, Japanese monsters appear throughout Japanese media. Check out our blog to find out everything you need to know about the different types of Japanese mythical creatures.