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How to buy Sukajan jackets from BSC Gallery Kyoto using ZenMarket

Looking for a cool and stylish souvenir Sukajan bomber jacket from Japan? In this article, we will guide you on how to purchase Sukajan jackets with worldwide delivery from Japan, along with useful tips for choosing the one that best suits you.

Sukajan souvenir jackets from Japan: history and features of the stylish bomber

The Sukajan bomber jacket is not only a very stylish fashion piece but also a great souvenir from Japan. Learn about origin of Sukajan souvenir jackets and the features of these iconic pieces, as well as how and where to shop for a fashionable bomber jacket from Japan.

How To Buy Japanese Incense Sticks From SOZO Japan

Originating from a rich cultural tradition, Japan has mastered the art of crafting incense that not only soothes the senses but also fosters a serene atmosphere. If you want to bring such an experience into your homes, SOZO incense sticks would be a great choice.

What Japanese Fashion Brands Are Celebrities Wearing?

Japanese fashion designers have made their appearance in Western culture and fashion events. Read this blog to learn what Japanese fashion brands are celebrities wearing, and indulge in beautifully crafted Japanese couture, as well as casual Japanese street fashion.

The History of Godzilla: Japan's Most Famous Kaiju

Did you know that Godzilla is not just a fire-breathing monster? There's deeper meanings behind this dinosaur-whale looking kaiju (monster in Japanese). In this blog, you can read about the interesting history of Godzilla and its cultural importance in Japan's cinematic development. FUN FACT: Godzilla holds official Japanese citizenship!

5 Places To Visit During Golden Week

Golden Week is a holiday period varying from 7 to 10 days in April and May. Here we'll introduce you to our top 5 places to visit during Golden Week. 

The Full Guide to Character Themed Cafes You Must Visit in Japan (Top 20 Character Cafes in Japan)

A full list of Top 20 Character Cafes you need to visit in Japan. From Pokémon to Final Fantasy. Japan has brought a lot of character designs to our lives. Immerse in the cuteness of themed cafes in Japan. ZenMarket gives you the A Full Guide of Character Cafes in Japan. Read more and dine at your favorite character's café in Japan.

What are Traditional Japanese Confections? [Helpful Guide]

Interested in Japanese traditional sweets? Check out our blog post that will provide you with a helpful guide on popular traditional sweets, wagashi!

Guide to Japanese Monsters: Japanese Mythical Creatures (Spirits, Demons, Folklore)

From Novels to Anime, Japanese monsters appear throughout Japanese media. Check out our blog to find out everything you need to know about the different types of Japanese mythical creatures.

Kawaii Be Damned! Top 7 Eerie Artworks From Parabolica-Bis (2020)

Tired of kawaii? These 7 eerie artworks from Parabolica-Bis in Tokyo are just the cure you need!