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Nom Date Pays Commentaires Évaluation Suivi
NomFadh *** Date23/03/2025 PaysMalaisie CommentairesGood seller, selling working item well packed as described. Thank you Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomHappy*** Date23/03/2025 PaysMalaisie CommentairesReceived in good condition. Thank you Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomSteph*** Date23/03/2025 PaysPays-bas CommentairesI'm very happy with this order, even if the package took a long journey untill it has finally arrived, because I love buying all the good stuff from Japan. 🇯🇵 🫡 Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomEllio*** Date23/03/2025 PaysAllemagne CommentairesEverything was perfect!! Thank you so much Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomEllio*** Date23/03/2025 PaysAllemagne CommentairesEverything was perfect!! Thank you so much Évaluation
5 out of 5
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Nom Date23/03/2025 PaysEtats unis CommentairesExtremely well packed and arrived on time. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomMajed*** Date23/03/2025 PaysArabie Saoudite CommentairesPerfect. Thank you Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomKen N*** Date22/03/2025 PaysSingapour CommentairesThanks, appreciate the extra wrapping Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomThoma*** Date22/03/2025 PaysSuède CommentairesNo issues. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomThoma*** Date22/03/2025 PaysSuède CommentairesVery well handled. You didn't include the pictures in the manifesto, meaning I didn't have to pay toll for them. You have my thanks. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomBella*** Date22/03/2025 PaysGrande-Bretagne CommentairesGreat service. Thank you! Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomAkio Date22/03/2025 PaysPhilippines CommentairesThanks! It is working perfectly. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomTT Date22/03/2025 PaysPays-bas CommentairesParcel arrived in good condition. Everything well packed, thank you. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomEmre *** Date22/03/2025 PaysBelgique CommentairesI had no issues, great delivery Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomBerna*** Date22/03/2025 PaysFrance CommentairesColis reçu avec du retard sur la date butoire
Bien emballé
Merci renmarket


5 out of 5
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NomJase Date22/03/2025 PaysTaiwan CommentairesTook a little while longer than expected to receive my item, the order was placed on the 4th March and I received it today (on the 22nd March) but overall service was worth it. Goods were very well packaged and in perfect condition. Would definitely use Zenmarket again. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomMOSH *** Date22/03/2025 PaysMalaisie CommentairesNice. Parcel reached in time. Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomNeil *** Date22/03/2025 PaysGrande-Bretagne CommentairesBox arrived reinforced, definitely worth the extra cost. Everything shown in the listing was there so no issues. Unfortunately the ltd edition keychain was AWOL but also was never shown as being there. Overall compared to resell sites in the UK this came in cheap. I was however quite shocked at the shipping cost at £120 which seems extremely expensive. Évaluation
4 out of 5
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NomMarik*** Date22/03/2025 PaysEtats unis Commentaireseverything went smoothly, thank u :) Évaluation
5 out of 5
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NomJason Date22/03/2025 PaysFrance CommentairesLe colis a été réceptionné à la date et à l'heure données, l'emballage était parfait avec des articles aussi fragiles. Je recommanderais sans hésiter. Excellente 1ère expérience! Évaluation
5 out of 5
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