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山口晃 作品集[付属品完備]|日本画家 初期作品集 現代美術家 現代浮世絵師 現代アート 大和絵風 細密画 f Article d'occasion

Prix actuel
$14.43 USD
Prix de rachat[?]
$15.72 USD
Enchère minimum : ¥2,230
Fini à : 01/07/2024 22:58:35 (Tokyo)
Heure actuelle : 01/07/2024 16:03:15 (Tokyo)
Nombres d'enchères : 0
Disponible : 1pcs
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T.V.A : 0%
Retour marchandise : Impossible
État de l'article : Occasion
Envoi au Japon : Payant
Enchère ID : n1137833175
Fin rapide : Oui
Extension automatique[?] Oui
Nom japonais : 山口晃 作品集[付属品完備]|日本画家 初期作品集 現代美術家 現代浮世絵師 現代アート 大和絵風 細密画 f
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6 Heure 55 min

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◆山口 晃 作品集

日本画家 現代美術家 初期作品集
◇山口 晃(著)/東京大学出版会(刊)/2004年10月初版(発行)
Painter Akira Yamaguchi has taken Japan's art world by storm. His work combines the techniques of classical Japanese painting with the observant eye of a modern-day Peter Breughel and the humor and draftsmanship of a manga cartoonist. Yamaguchi's landscapes of the imagination, compressions of time and space, and quixotic human/machine figures combine Eastern and Western sensibilities and techniques into artwork that transcends exoticism.This beautiful volume collects the artist's work from the past decade, including several pieces never before published, allowing Western readers to share the delight of Japanese critics and audiences in this fresh, new view of the world. Also included are an introduction by art historian Yuji Yamashita, 80 pages of full-color illustrative plates, and a magnifying glass for enhanced viewing of painting details.
◇目次: 写真参照





