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(2024 June Updated) Changes for parcels bound for Australia: GST

To kind attention of ZenMarket users in Australia,

Due to changes in Australian law ZenMarket as an overseas business that ships goods to Australia is now obliged to collect GST (Goods and Services Tax) from Australian customers and lodge returns to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

For this reason, starting July 1st 2018, in addition to international shipping and insurance (if applicable) we will be charging 10% of the declared value for parcels with Low-Value Goods (1000 AUD or less) bound for Australia as GST (Goods and Services Tax) and pay it to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on our client’s behalf.

Please note that GST will not be charged for parcels with a declared total price of over 1,000 AUD. In this case, customers will need to pay GST directly to customs.

The amount charged will be displayed separately in your “Payments” tab.

The calculations will be made based on the daily rate; to avoid confusion, the invoice will state “GST paid” or “GST not paid” respectively.

Customers need to check to make sure their items are allowed into Australia, as failure to do so could result in seizure and destruction of the parcel, for which will be charged 250 AUD per parcel.



If customers ship multiple parcels at a similar time, there is a chance they will get double charged if their items arrive in Australia on the same shipment/vessel/plane, and the total price of those parcels exceeds 1,000 AUD, due to Australian government regulations.

As we have no control over the exact plane/vessel that a shipping company or courier uses, customers who pre-paid their GST via ZenMarket and were charged GST again at the Australian border should reach out to our customer support to get a refund for the duplicated GST they paid via ZenMarket's pre-levy system. 

If you choose not to pay the double-charged GST, here is some information to be aware of.

1. 5 AUD/day will be charged from the 8th day (that the parcel remains in customs) after arrival in Australia. (i.e 10 days of storage would cost 10 AUD)

We recommend paying the duplicated GST first and then requesting a refund from ZenMarket to avoid the storage costs.

2. There is no option to return the parcel to Japan, so you do not pay to clear customs, destroying it will cost 250 AUD.


We hope for your kind understanding.

*Please note that the GST fee will apply to the parcels sent from July 1st 2018, regardless of when they were packed/created/paid for.


Best regards,

ZenMarket Team

News| 21/06/2024 |


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