Promo Code: Enter promo code ECMS30 at the time of paying the international shipping fee for eligible parcels to receive the shipping discount.
Discount Amount: 30% of the shipping fee.
Promo Period: November 29th 00:00 - December 20th 23:59 2024 (JST)
Participating Shipping Methods:ECMS
Participating Destinations: All destinations that can be shipped to via ECMS:
- Participating countries (all ECMS ships to)
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malaysia
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
Promo Code only applies to parcels paid for during the Promo Period. Parcels paid for outside of the promo period will not be eligible for a discount.
Only parcels shipped using an Eligible Shipping Method can receive the discount. Parcels shipped using any other shipping method will not be eligible for the discount.
Promo Code only applies to parcels sent to participating regions (see above). Parcels bound for regions other than those listed above are not eligible to receive the discount.
The total discount amount will be based on the actual shipping fee.
Once the promo code is used and the eligible parcel has been paid for, the parcel cannot be altered in any way. If alterations, including but not limited to cancellation of the parcel, repacking of the parcel, or the addition of extra items are made, the shipping discount may be void.
Each user can use the Promo Code for multiple parcels.
Parcel Value Limitation: Please be aware that ECMS has a parcel value limitation. If your parcel exceeds the maximum allowed value, it may not be eligible for shipping under this promotion. Please check our shipping calculator.
Non-Shippable Items: Some items may not be eligible for shipping via ECMS. Please check your order carefully to ensure all items are shippable with this service.
Users are allowed to have only one ZenMarket account. Users found to have multiple ZenMarket accounts will be deemed in direct breach of the Terms & Conditions and therefore ineligible for the discount.
Promo Codes can not be exchanged for ZenMarket funds or any monetary value.
Please make sure to check shipping methods' forbidden items and size restrctions before creating your parcel(s)
Please note that the parcel packing process might take 2-3 business days or more. To ensure you can use the Promo Code within the Promo Period, we recommend that you make a package in advance of the promotion ending (3-4 business days).
Please note that additional checks need to be made in the case a user requests a change of shipping method after packing has been completed. These checks may take up to 48 hours. To ensure you can use the Promo Code within the Promo Period, we recommend that you do not request a change of shipping method within 48 hours of the promotion ending.