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[isumu official] TanaCOCORO Asura - Japanese Buddha Statue
[isumu official] TanaCOCORO Asura - Japanese Buddha Statue
$215.89 USD ¥31,900 ¥957 캐시백 ?
수수료 없음 (500엔) ?
바코드: 4580238652791
브랜드: TanaCOCORO[掌] 阿修羅
모델: 000000000119
Made in: 中国製
6개 상품 구매가능
반품 정책:
위조품의 반품은 언제든 가능합니다. 만약 상품이 상품설명과 다른 경우, 판매자의 반품 절차에 따라 반품이 진행됩니다.자세히 보기
EMS, 항공우편(AVIA), 이코노미 항공우편(SAL), UPS, FEDEX 자세히 보기
구매자 보호정책
- 진품(정규품)이 아닐시 전액 환불
- 새로운 상품이 상품설명과 상이한 경우, 전액 또는 부분환불
상품 설명
Spacial Movie: https://youtu.be/I1y-iOpwPS4
multi angle 360: https://isumu.sub.jp/360/tc/asyura/

Asyura is a tutelary deity associated with Gautama Buddha and his people.In the early age of Hinduism, Asyura was constantly waging war against Indrah. He later turned away from his anger and took refuge in the Buddha to become a dharmap?la (a defender of Dharma).
This Asyura is one of the most popular Buddhist statues in Japan. In 2009, 940,000 people visited the exhibition “The National Treasure ASHURA and Masterpieces from Kohfukuji” held in Tokyo.
The statue takes the form of a handsome young man, and has gained popularity owing to the delicacy of its expression and its elegant eight-limbed figure.
Size: 180(H)×110(W)×61(D)mm /weight: 220(g)

isumu -Japanese Buddha Statue as Interior Decor

isumu was created to present traditional Buddhist statues as art objects.
We recommend a new lifestyle where traditional art can become a part of your day-to-day world. Produced using modern materials and technology, our Buddhist statues combine an ancient presence and with unsurpassed quality, suitable to be admired as interior decor.

* Isumu home page:
English: http://isumu.jp/en/top-en/
Traditional Chinese: http://isumu.jp/zh/top-zh/

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소포 상세내역
소포 중량: 0.52kg (1.15 lb)
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결제 관련 추가정보
- 구매하신 상품이 정품이 아닐 경우, 전액 환불해 드립니다.
- 운송 중 상품을 보호하기 위해 운송보험에 가입해 드립니다.
- 상품이 상품설명과 상이할 경우, 전액 또는 부분 환불을 제공하기 위해 판매자에게 연락을 취합니다.(신품에 한해).
- 반품 배송비는 구매자 부담입니다.