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احصل على 10% نقاط على جميع مشتريات راكوتن تفاصيل العرض من الآن ولغاية 27 أبريل 2024 الساعة 4م بتوقيت اليابان
الاحتفال بـ 10 سنوات من ZenMarket العروض الترويجية والهدايا وغيرها المزيد

Remembering Flash Cards Japanese Vocabulary Builder Full JLPT N5 N4 N3 Practice Kanji Books English Croatian: Quick Study Academic Japanese Vocabulary Flashcards Language Learning for Japanese Language Proficiency Test Prep N5-N3 Complete Mock Exams Set

$11.89 USD ¥1,777
Remembering Flash Cards Japanese Vocabulary Builder Full JLPT N5 N4 N3 Practice Kanji Books English Croatian: Quick Study Academic Japanese Vocabulary Flashcards Language Learning for Japanese Language Proficiency Test Prep N5-N3 Complete Mock Exams Set
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The JLPT places importance not only on knowledge of Japanese-language vocabulary and grammar but also on the ability to use the knowledge in actual communication. In order to perform various "everyday tasks" that require language, not only language knowledge but also the ability to actually use it are necessary.This book is designed for people who are going to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Exam (JLPT) N5 N4 and N3. This book consists of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5-N3. This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.