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日本語総まとめ N4 文法・読解・聴解 Nihongo Soumatome N4 Grammar・Reading・Listening

$18.31 USD ¥2,733
日本語総まとめ N4 文法・読解・聴解 Nihongo Soumatome N4 Grammar・Reading・Listening
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「日本語総まとめ」シリーズにN4が登場! 日本語能力試験(JLPT)N4必須の基本的文型と 読解、聴解の重要ポイントを6週間で無理なく習得できる。 この本は ■日本語能力試験(JLPT)N4合格を目指す人 ■日常生活でよく使われる基本的な文系を身につけたい人 ■日常的な場面で話される会話や身近な話題の文章を理解したい人 のための学習書です。 この本の特徴 ・日本語能力試験(JLPT)N4でよく出題されるポイントを6週間で効率よく学習できます。 ・N4受験対策だけでなく、日常生活で役に立つ文系、文章、聞き取りの勉強ができます。 ・1週間後に1回分、まとめ問題がついているので、理解の確認ができます。 ・英語・ベトナム語の翻訳がついているので、一人でも勉強ができます。 The definitive study guide for the JLPT! The "So-matome" series After reviewing the basic sentence patterns for the N4 level JLPT over the course of 4 weeks, practice the important points of reading and listening comprehension one week at a time. -Easy-to-follow layout with study material on the right-hand page and practice questions on the left-hand page -Includes English and Korean translations ❶Reinforces basic knowledge and skills needed for test taking by breaking down study into the fields of grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading comprehension and listening comprehension.❷Easy-to-read layout with study material arranged on the left-hand side and practice questions on the right.Review the necessary fundamental grammar for the N4 exam over the course of 4 weeks, and then practice the important points of reading and writing for one week each. Sau khi ôn tập lại một lượt những mẫu ngữ pháp cơ bản cần thiết trình độ N4 trong vòng 4 tuần, bạn sẽ luyện tập từng tuần một những điểm quan trọng của đọc hiểu và nghe hiểu.