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A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar(日本語基本文法辞典)

$20.77 USD ¥3,087
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar(日本語基本文法辞典)
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★ Level: Elementary ★ Genre: Grammar ★ Language: English is used for grammar explanations and translations of example sentences. ★ Number of entries: 206 ★ Example sentences are written in kanji/kana with romanization. The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, an enduring favorite. This ever-popular series of dictionary-style grammar guides comprises three volumes—basic, intermediate, and advanced—with each presenting some 200 key grammar items, along with analysis of sentence patterns, abundant example sentences, and easy-to-understand explanations in English. The books also thoroughly explains common pitfalls and the distinctions in usage of similar expressions, helping users to develop an even stronger grasp of Japanese grammar. A must-have reference for learners and teachers alike. 【ロングセラー『日本語文法辞典』シリーズ】 基本・中級・上級の各レベルごとに重要な文法を約200項目ずつ取り上げ、文型分析と豊富な例文と的確でわかりやすい英文解説を施した、ロングセラーの辞典形式の文法書。 間違えやすいポイントや類似表現との使い分けも丁寧に説明しているので、より深く日本語文法が理解できます。 学習者だけでなく教師のための参考書としても必携です。